Tariff Modelling Software

Tariffic is a web-based tariff modelling system that helps users understand how tariffs impact on the affordability and the revenue collection of services (e.g. water).

About Tariffic

  • Enter tariffs using fixed amounts plus volumetric block tariffs.
  • Capture or import customers - either from real billing system data, or theoretical customer profiles.
  • Set one or more affordability thresholds.
  • Create geographical regions and link customers to the appropriate region.
  • Apply income values to your customers from the regions; Region income values can easily be determined from Census data.
  • Run the tariff calculator - apply your tariffs to the customers using either actual or theoretical consumption values.
  • View the calculation results by each of your affordability thresholds.
  • View the resulting billable revenue, and theoretical collection revenue values.
  • Produce an 'Affordability League': an ordered ranking of regions by their affordability scores.
  • Visualise the results in each region on a map.

Create a Free Account!

Register on Tariffic to create your account and start modelling your tariffs today!


Sean Walsh

Software Developer

Sean led the software development project, designing Tariffic and ensuring it was built to spec.

Nigel Mukandi

Software Developer

Nigel is a promising young software developer who helped make Tariffic come to life.

Water Research Commission


Tariffic was generously funded by the Water Research Commission.


Project Lead

PDG undertook the initial research and conceptualised the Tariffic system.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who should use Tariffic?

    Anyone who has an interest in modelling the impact of tariffs on affordability of services. This could be a municipal/government user, a researcher, or anyone with a passing interest!

  • Nothing! Tariffic is a free service!

  • Although Tariffic was conceptualised to model the affordability of water tariffs, and was funded by the Water Research Commission, the principles apply to any service that uses a fixed amount plus volumetric block tariff structure.

  • No! If you have a rough idea of your 'typical' customers, you can create profiles of these customers, and weight them according to how many you think are in each region. Tariffic was designed to work from a very quick & easy 'simplistic' manner, through to a full-blown real-world, billing-system data extract level.

  • You probably won't get actual income values for each customer. But you probably have a rough idea of what income your customers have. Or, if you have access to Census data, you can get an average income value for a region; you can then apply that income to the customers in each region.

  • One way is to extract consumption data from a billing system. Another way is to use a theoretical consumption value. According to the WHO:

    ...between 50 and 100 litres of water per person per day are needed to ensure that most basic needs are met and few health concerns arise.


Got any questions? Feel free to contact us:


PO Box 531, Pinelands, Cape Town, South Africa


+27 (0)74 1005 9878

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